reviewed the draft. strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation until 2020. Jotted down his notes, and then... then I realized that it is irredeemably. Discuss the meaning is lost, everything is so incorrigibly, incorrectly written. I will give my prediction: this strategy as the previous one, there will be 10% filled with. Do you know why?.
The strategy is well operate on the statistics set out very competently. But we also know the perfidy of statistics? . The first sensation of the draft strategy: the result to fit the ... Well, it's subjective. just a feeling. Let us further.
The main complaint from my side: the preparation of the document the leading role played by economists. For them to operate with natural stat. data. And it seems logical that if the average get the same performance as the development of innovative and leaders, we are ... If not, then performance should have added something else to consider, and even then everything will turn out exactly the. That is just the ... Here, try to write on these figures feysbukovskie ... That's right, it's not for a feasibility study and statistically can not be accounted for. But this - the very stuff of which the atmosphere is composed innovatorstva.
Another example of. Dear Mr. Vekselberg said in an interview once that is created in Skolkovo University will be the key of the whole ecosystem. What will be created around startups, boil the idea of scientists. And the final sentence statement: ... Where to go to these scholars, then?.
That is the key error. Copy ecosystems outside the average performance, it's like to carve out a piece of metal the car, thinking that if he looks like a real one, hence the drive will be like this.
A massage therapists, and streams, and hakatony? .
See what I mean? . Just because they do not realize that you need an engineer to abandon invent something extraordinary. That ... Thousands of universities around the world there are only around the units and there was an ecosystem startaperstva, Many attempts have been to repeat the success of the flint of the valley, but only units have modest results.
Well, I grumbled, grumbled, as he himself clever, I can offer? . What we need to solve the problem? . What can we help? . Well, more like that. The problems have to push, not taken from the emptiness of the phrase: ... The only possible way to achieve these goals is to move the economy on an innovative socially-oriented model of development. ...
That was my claim to the overall document. The following is a list of my notes in the margin:.
Not taken into account people's willingness to accept innovation, the willingness of the market as a whole. Talk about ' human innovation ', not as consumers but as a manufacturer of innovative. About the innovative man in general bredyatina economist, wrote 100%.
This is precisely: '... the technological revolution in alternative energy resources and is sharply increased uncertainty in the development of Russia, which is the basis of specialization in world markets is the export of traditional energy sources. '.
Not take account of demographic and joining it to a minimum of 2020. It is necessary not only to attract foreign professionals, but also immigrants.
Yeah, if the economists will continue to write the strategy, and we get: ... This is especially true indicators significantly associated with the demand for innovation in the real sector. ...
Horror, SCHOOL PORT OF OUR CHILDREN. This means that the starting positions of Russian schoolchildren ... Basic education levels following these advantages effectively eliminates. Thus, the Russian high school students are inferior to their foreign peers from developed countries on most indicators of the level of knowledge in mathematics (38- 39th place out of 65 countries ), the same skills to the text ( 41- 43rd of 65 countries), knowledge . ...
This is the death of high school, which I. wrote. earlier: ... Although in the 2000s, the proportion of scientists under the age of 29 years in the total number of researchers grew, but in parallel until 2006. growth did not occur the next age category ( 30-39 years), which means the inability of many research organizations to retain young professionals. ...
Yes! . ...
YES ... ...
The task of ' formation areas of innovation ' to me fundamentally and categorically do not like.
Not taken into account basis - quite an innovative business that makes tools for innovators. For example, a trivial quality housing, without which the trivial and the smartphone can not do.
' One of the major problems in this area - the formation of a globally competitive teachers, researchers and managers. At the same time higher education in the future should be integrated with the scientific activities. ' Now is not it? . '.
Golden words: ' The formation of competences ... to school. - In many respects it is at this stage. and primary school. lays the foundation skills for critical reflection data, the ability to non-standard solutions, creativity, resourcefulness, ability to work as a team, socialization skills. Further Education can develop these skills, but very rarely can generate them again. '.
Not, you have to pay more: ' The result of the undertaken measures will yield the average wage of employees in the sector of scientific research and development up to 125 % of the average in economics in 2016 and 130 % by 2020. '.
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