Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Muscovites will hear the prayers of Muslims over loudspeakers

The Moscow mayor's office recently issued a decree on the fall in the capital, cultural and charity ' Ramadan Tent ' holiday Eid ul-Fitr (September 9 ) and Eid al -Fitr (16 November).

It is expected that the activities can take part in a total of more than 30,000 people.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow on interregional cooperation, Sport and Tourism Sergey Baidakov, which will oversee the execution of the order, said GZT. RU, that all will be strictly within the law. ' Moscow - one of the largest religious centers in the country. The faithful have the right to satisfy their spiritual needs in religious buildings and structures, as well as in other places given to religious organizations for such purposes, including for the festivities ' - he said. The official added that the initiator of the broadcast was the Council of Muftis of Russia.

Note that many bloggers and participants in online forums are dissatisfied with the decision of the City Hall. They explain their poztsiyu fact that last year during the celebration of Eid al- Adha festival sacrificial lambs slaughtered right at the capital's streets, often shocked bystanders.

We recall also the city authorities in the near future are going to develop a special set of rules that helps visitors quickly get comfortable in the city. In particular, migrants do not make recommendations to cut a sheep in the yard, do not fry in the balcony, do not walk around the city in national dress and speak only in Russian.

Yuri Deryabin.

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